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Zohra is a 12-year-old girl from Nuristan. Her father is sick and her mother works on land, cultivating vegetables and corn to provide for the family. She would like to continue going to school in ...

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Fazila is from Takhar province.  She lived there with her mother and four siblings pior to joining an AFCECO safe house.  Her father died of COVID in 2020 and her 12 year old brother works in a mob...

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Meena Noori

Meena was born to a nomad family at an isolated desert in Farah, a small town in western Afghanistan bordering with Iran. In a search for a new life, her family moved to Kabul and settled in outski...

2 of 6 Shares Sponsored


Nahid is from Takhar province and she is one of the youngest child of her family.  She born in a very poor family. Her family hardly feed her children. Nahid’s father is worker and he transferring ...

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Palwasha Rasol

Palwasha is from very isolated village of Nanagarhar. Her family is very poor and they don’t have even land to work on it. Her father is farmer which has very low income. Palwasha is living in one ...

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Weeda is a little girl from a village in Farah that narrowly escaped a fierce battle that occurred between the Taliban and Afghan government where the entire village turned into rubble and many of ...

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Khalid is from very isolated village of Nangarhar where is control by Taliban and ISIS. His family lived in Village but because of ISIS and Taliban the people left the village and set up a tent in ...

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Humira is from very isolated village of  Nanagarhar. Her family is very poor and they don’t have even land to work on it. Her father is farmer which has very low income. Humira have a lot sisters a...

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Aziza lost her father before she was born. He served in the Afghan army for 10 years and was killed by the Taliban. Her mother is now the only breadwinner for the family and they live in tent in No...

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Laleh was born in Nuristan province in Bregmatl district. She was living with her parents in Nooristan where her father is a farmer her mother is illiterate. Food has become very scarce in Noorista...

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Sajid father is blind and he could not support his children at all. His mother is house wife and every day working on the land to make money for her children. When she heard about AFCECO orphanage ...

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