Empowering Afghan Youth through Tele-Education

RAISED: $0.00

GOAL: $25,000.00

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In the face of the Taliban's oppressive restrictions on girls' education, AFCECO has risen to the challenge, innovating new methods to provide a lifeline of learning for Afghan girls. Our tele-education initiatives are not just about education; they are about empowerment. They are about breaking barriers and enabling young Afghan girls to pursue their dreams of becoming professionals, despite the obstacles placed before them.

We are proud to present our vision for the future of Afghan youth and invite you to join us in making it a reality. With your support, we aim to amplify our educational programs, with a primary focus on supporting young adults, aged 18 to 25, in their pursuit of higher education.

We are seeking a fund of $25,000 to facilitate their enrollment in overseas universities, covering tuition fees and living expenses. Our program is designed to provide flexibility and opportunity. For those in our safe houses in Kabul awaiting resettlement in the US through the P1/P2 program, we aim to enable either residency provisions in Pakistan for university attendance or online educational opportunities. By facilitating access to English-medium universities, we are not only providing education but also equipping these students for a seamless transition and successful integration into their new lives in the US.

Furthermore, this grant will enable us to enhance our remote learning classes in Kabul's safehouses. We plan to upgrade technology infrastructure, including improving internet connectivity, ensuring a more reliable power supply, and providing additional computers and tablets. This will not only benefit the students currently in our care but will also pave the way for future generations of Afghan youth to access quality education, regardless of their circumstances.

Your support is not just an investment in education; it is an investment in the future of Afghanistan. Together, we can break down barriers, empower Afghan youth, and build a brighter tomorrow. Join us in our mission to tele-educate and transform lives.
